We're almost finished with our 2010-2011 school year.

It's been a good year. We've covered a lot of ground and are now striving to "finish well".
The evaluations have been done and mailed into the town office along with our letter of intent for next year. I'm one of 'those' people who likes to get everything done with the official paperwork all in one fell swoop.
I'm almost finished with accumulating our curriculum supplies for next year. Most of the big things are settled, just one more order from CBD and I think we'll be set. Of course everything we choose is subject to change if a need should arise. That is one of the absolute beauties of home education. You choose something with high hopes...but if you find after a month or so that it isn't working, you are free to ditch it and find something else to accomplish your goals.
Next year will be the first year with absolutely no subjects shared between J & B. This past year they only shared History, Art & Piano. Next year though... everything is completely individualized for each of them. This is fine, of course, they are getting older and more independent. Their learning styles are similar but not exactly the same. I love watching them learn and even learning alongside them in some instances.
I live a blessed life and I am very thankful.