Friday, July 29, 2011


Wow... time flies when you are playing summer vacation.
We're having a good summer and enjoying one of the only times I can remember of extended rest & play.  The kids are doing plenty of reading, they've gone to camp and enjoyed those weeks immensely!

We've had days that Steve stayed home from work and done fun things as a family.

There have also been projects around the house including a new hard-wood floor and massive over-hauls of bedrooms.  It has been a very good summer indeed.
As part of my summer projects, I turned this:

And these:

Into this:

Which while still looking like chaos, is in actually quite organized and neatly arranged in preparation for starting our 2011-2012 school year.
We are beginning a new phase of schooling this year - we are entering high school!  OK... actually it's just J that is going to be doing high school, but it does impact the rest of us.  The planning alone for this year is mammoth compared to years past and I'm trying to be diligent and chip away at the list.  I'm making progress and hope to have all my plans entered into my software program for scheduling before B's birthday... well, at least all the stuff I need for the 1st semester anyway.
All in all, I think we are enjoying our time off, but are beginning to anticipate all the new subjects and excitement of a new year.  I love the fall, the leaves, the new school supplies and the seemingly endless opportunities to learn that God allows each year.  We are so very blessed!